What is Invisalign®?
Invisalign is a special brand of clear dental braces used to transform your smile. We utilize Invisalign in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, to gently realign your teeth into a more correct and ideal position. A straighter smile can improve your overall oral and general health, is easier to keep clean, and can boost your confidence and self-esteem.
How Does Invisalign Work?
The Invisalign method is a removable and nearly invisible way to straighten your teeth. Invisalign uses a series of custom-made plastic aligners that gradually apply pressure to your teeth as they shift to their proper alignment. Our skilled dentist, Dr. Brian Homann, has the necessary certifications and experience to offer Invisalign to our patients. To make your custom aligners, we will take detailed molds of your smile and create a comprehensive alignment guide that maps out the entire realignment of your teeth. These measurements are sent to the dental laboratory that creates your aligners. You will switch aligners approximately every two weeks to continue straightening your teeth.
What Are the Advantages of Invisalign?
There are many advantages to using Invisalign. Your aligners are made of a comfortable plastic material, have no metal brackets, and allow for your smile to shine while you straighten your teeth. Because the aligners are also removable, you are able to enjoy the foods you love and maintain proper oral hygiene habits. To learn more about these and other benefits of Invisalign, please contact us today. We would be happy to schedule your Invisalign consultation!
The Perfect Alternative to Traditional Braces
Most people are familiar with the traditional metal braces many people get in their teen years. However, individuals typically don’t want to repeat that unpleasant appearance. Whether you are an older individual trying to straighten your smile or you want to avoid issues with metal braces, Invisalign in Elk Grove Village is an excellent alternative. You will be able to get the straight teeth you’ve always wanted with the help of the clear aligners that can be removed to eat and clean your teeth. These aligners are comfortable and often only cause minimal discomfort as your teeth move into the proper positions.
A Fast, Effective Treatment Option
Getting Invisalign in Elk Grove Village will allow you to straighten your smile effectively and discretely. Because the aligners are removable so you can clean your teeth properly and eat, you won’t have many of the same restrictions you would have with metal braces. You can still eat what you want and will have a lower risk of damaging your teeth because you were unable to brush properly around the brackets. The aligners slowly move the teeth into position in methods that mimic traditional metal braces.
Click here to learn about how we can help you care for your teeth while you are wearing any type of braces.
Contact us today to schedule your appointment to consult for Invisalign treatments in Elk Grove Village.
*Dr. Brian Homann is a Illinois licensed general dentist